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Thank you for your interest. Please allow a reasonable time for a response.
If you need to call us, the number is 661-510-5205. We are in Arizona, so please place calls between 9 and 5, Mon–Fri, PDT. You may need to leave a message, but we will get back to you.
Thank you for your interest. Please allow a reasonable time for a response.
If you need to call us, the number is 661-510-5205. We are in Arizona, so please place calls between 9 and 5, Mon–Fri, PDT. You may need to leave a message, but we will get back to you.
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Online Store
Note: If you are ordering from outside the United States, we have had some trouble with credit cards not being accepted. If you have trouble, please contact Paypal and they can help you. If you are intrested in shipping to Hong Kong the cost is $85.00 USD. Canada is $45.00 USD Any other locations please contact us for Information.
Backpacker Oven Only

Backpacker Oven Basic Kits

Backpacker Oven Deluxe kits

Deep (1.5") baking pans for the Backpacker Oven

Shallow (1/2") baking pans for the Backpacker Oven

Pan Gripper - $6.99 USD

For removing hot pans from the Backpacker Oven.
Stuff Sack for Backpacker Oven